Wednesday, 19 May 2010

I can see clearly now.....

I'm always pretty careful about what I wear when I'm cycling - generally black, I dont do day-glo jackets. Recently I became the proud owner of a Team Sky cycling Jersey, I like it a lot, the tapered white panel on the back makes me look quite slim! My shorts are black lycra, and sock generally white but I'm becoming a convert to black. Now tell me why do people wear the following items: 1, White lycra shorts - especially in the rain and 2, cheap thin black lycra shorts in any weather.
There I was heaving my bike up Polhill the other day and I see two cyclist in front of me, catch them I thought to myself - in a totally non competitive way (Ha) - of course I did catch them and they were both bent double over the bars. As I got closer, I notice a silver like shine from the back of both of them, when I was on their wheel I suddenly realised I could see straight through the material, both men could've been naked, the sunlight reflected of their white buttocks, the effect enhanced because of the polarised lenses in my glasses. I have to admit to being a bit shocked and offended by their display.
A few days after my trauma, I am riding to work in the rain I caught up with another cyclist this time in white shorts - I originally thought they were pink but no that was just the cold wet flesh showing through his dirty white shorts, I'm only glad I closed my eyes as I shot passed. I tell you dear friends I am scarred for life from these experiences. So I say to you all - buy good quality black shorts dont ride in white shorts ever ever, it is wrong, just like Marmite!


  1. Amen. This notion that somehow wearing white is "pro" is a nonsense. There is simply nothing more flattering to the figure and the eye than a plain black short. It went largely unchanged for nearly a century, so I see no reason to mess with the formula.

  2. The only man who looked good in white cycling shorts was Axl Rose. :oP
